Contact the MATR
We enjoy hearing from our participants and encourage you to contact the MATR with new information, stories, photos, questions, concerns, or any other feedback! In order to make contacting us as easy as possible, we provide the following options:
Phone/Voicemail: This toll-free number goes straight to voicemail so we ask that you leave a message with your full name (repeated and spelled), a phone number we can use to reach you, and any other information you would like for us to know. It is also a good idea to let us know the best time to call you back.
1-800-URA-TWIN (800-872-8946)
Mail: Any mailed correspondence can be sent to us:
The Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry
Virginia Commonwealth University
Office of Vice President for Research and Innovation
Box 980617
Richmond, VA 23298-0617
Email: If you find email to be easiest, you may contact us at: