Books about twins
Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us about Human Behavior, Nancy L. Segal. Published by EP Dutton, 1999
Nancy Segal, a twin and the director of the Twins Study Center at California State University, Fullerton, describes findings from scientific research on twins as well as unique experiences that occur as twins develop. She includes stories about reunions of separated twins, the effect of a twin's death on his or her co-twin, the impact of fertility treatments on multiple births, and more.
The Book of Twins: A Celebration in Words and Pictures, Debra Ganz, Lisa Ganz, and Bill Ballenberg. Published by Delacorte Press, 1998
Debbie and Lisa Ganz, the twin sisters who own the Twins Restaurant in New York City, offer photos and stories of 38 pairs of twins, from young to old, from celebrity to unknown. They also include smatterings of statistics about twins.
Twins: And What They Tell Us about Who We Are, Lawrence Wright. Published by John Wiley & Sons, 1997
This book reports on findings from research on twins during the past 10-15 years, including topics such as substance use and abuse, personal relationships, and job satisfaction. A review of "nature versus nurture."
Books for adult twins
Albi, Linda, Duerloo, D. F., Johnson, D., Catlin, D., & Greatwood, S. (1993). Mothering Twins: from hearing the news to beyond the terrible twos. New York: Fireside.
Brandt, Raymond W. (2001). Twin Loss. Leo, IN: Twinsworld Publishing Co.
Bryan, Elizabeth (1992). Twins, Triplets and More. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Case, Betty J. (2001). Living Without Your Twin. Portland, Oregon: Tibbutt Publishing Company, Inc.
Friedrich, Elizabeth & Rowland, C. (1983). The Parent’s Guide to Raising Twins. New York: St. Martin’s Griffin.
Ganz, Debra, Ganz, Lisa (1998). The Book of Twins: A Celebration in Words and Pictures. Delacorte Press.
Jackson, Donna (2001). Twin Tales: the magic and mystery of multiple birth. New York: Little, Brown and Company.
Malmstrom, Patricia M., & Poland, J. (1999). The art of parenting twins: the unique joys and challenges of raising twins and other multiples. New York: Skylight Press. A comprehensive guide to raising twins. Covers parenting from birth well into older childhood
Pearlman, Eileen M., & Ganon, J. A. (2000). Raising Twins. New York: HarperResource. In addition to the dozens of chapters with valuable tips and advice from doctors and parents of twins, this reference material also offers numerous Q&A sessions with twins of all ages who try to describe that question that almost every twin has been asked over and over--what it is like to be a twin.
Segal, Nancy M. (1999). Entwined lives: twins and what they tell us about human behavior. New York: Dutton.
Wright, Lawrence (1997). Twins: and what they tell us about who we are. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Books for older twins
Abby’s Book (The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collections) By Ann M. Martin -- Four stories involving The Baby-Sitter's Club's Abby and her twin sister, Anna. For ages 9-12.
Abby’s Twin By Ann M. Martin -- A young girl, Abby, has to deal with her problems when her twin sister Anna is diagnosed with scoliosis. For ages 9-12
All Rapped Up (Sister, Sister) By Janet Quin-Harki -- Twin sisters Tia and Tamera dance with the same guy at the spring formal. Paperback. Recommended for ages 9-12.
Brother Brother, Sister Sister By Helen Dunmore -- For ages 9-12. Tanya has to deal with her new enlarged family, as her parents give birth to quadruplets, two boys and two girls. One of the few children's books out there dealing with higher-order multiples from a sibling's perspective.
Double Act By Jacqeline Wilson -- A novel about 10-year-old British twin sisters, Garnet and Ruby, who are complete opposites yet as close as twins can be. For ages 9-12.
I Miss You, I Miss You! By Peter Pohl and Kinna Gieth -- Deals with a very difficult subject, the loss of a twin. Book (for ages 12 to 15) centers around twins Cilla and Tina, sisters who aren't close. After the tragic death of Cilla, Tina must come to grips with the loss of her twin while discovering her own individuality.
Jacob Have I Loved By Katherine Paterson -- Twin sisters, Sara Louise and Caroline, battle for identity and recognition. For approximately ages 9-12.
Twin Clones From Outer Space (Two Heads Are Better Than One) By H.B. Homzie -- This first chapter in the series introduces the four main characters and centers around a key baseball game that Barton/Beta participate in. For children aged 7-12.
Twin Clones From Outer Space (Who Let the Dogs Out) By H.B. Homzie -- Features brother and sister Barton and Nancy Jamison and their alien twin clones Beta and Gamma. In this book, Barton and Nancy leave Beta and Gamma in charge of the animals at Critter City. It's only for half an hour. What could go wrong? For children aged 7-12.
Books for younger twins
About Twins By Shelley Rotner -- For ages 4-8. Designed to introduce your twins to the world of twindom.
Boss for a Day: The Barkers By Tomie De Paolo -- The Barkers return. Morgan and Moffat switch roles and the usually bossy Moffat now has to let his brother Morgan be boss for a day!
Double Trouble - The Secret Playhouse By Janet Allison Brown.
The Holy Twins By Kathleen Norris -- For Children. Tells the biographies of Sixth Century brother/sister twins, Benedict and Scholastica, who each became Saints. The text is woven with tales of spirituality and beautiful illustrations. For ages 4-8.
Meet the Barkers: Morgan & Moffat Go to School By Tomie De Paolo -- Book about the Barkers, boy/girl twin dogs. Moffat, was born ten minutes before her twin brother, Morgan. For ages 4-7.
My Twin, My Friend By Lynne Crump -- A sweet poem about how twins can be each other's best friends.
One Was Not Enough By Lori Menning -- About the author and her five-year-old boys, Zachary and Nicholas, and how the boys and their mother realize that twins are put in this world because sometimes one was not enough. For ages 2 to 5.
Phil and Lil Go to the Doctor By Rebecca Gold and Robert Roper -- For baby-preschool levels. Show your twins what happens at the doctor's office with this picture book detailing Phil and Lil's doctor's visit.
T is for Twins? By Mary Bond -- It goes through the alphabet with different types of twins.
The Twins By John Wallace -- Twin sisters Lil and Nelly are as different as night and day. The two twins pool their talents for a school project.
Twin Stories: Kaos … Bad Dog and Shhh…It’s Bertha By Lisa Van Sickle -- For Ages 4-8. Each features twins as the main characters. Discreetly teach about key "Lifeskills" such as problem solving and honesty.
Twinnies By Eve Bunting -- Deals with the jealousy of an older sister who doesn't like all the attention her new twin baby sisters are receiving. For ages 6-9.
Twin Talk: Phil and Lil’s Guide to Life By David Lewman -- Rug Rats, Phil and Lil DeVille, twin cartoon babies. Find out how to tell them apart, what their favorite grossest foods are, and more.
You Can’t Trick Me By Yavonne Field-Bagwell -- Tells the story of identical twins Quinton and Zachary Bagwell, who like to play games on friends and family by pretending to be each other. Quinton is always in red and Zachary is in blue, and that's the only way that most people can tell them apart. So the boys switch outfits and see if they can trick people into thinking Quinton is Zachary and vice-versa. For ages 2 to 5.
Books about parenting
More Parenting Books Recommended by other Twin Websites
The Multiples Manual by Just Multiples -- 1,002 essential tips for expectant mothers of twins and/or triplets. Written by a mother of triplets who is an identical twin herself.
Everything You Need to Know to Have a Healthy Twin Pregnancy By Gila Leiter -- This is a highly recommended, excellent resource for all women pregnant with multiples.
The Pregnancy Bed Rest Book: A Survival Guide for Expectant Mothers By Amy E. Tracy -- A survival guide for something that many moms of multiples-to-be may have to experience--doctor-ordered bed rest.
When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads By Dr. Barbara Luke Tamara Everlein -- A terrific reference material for all parents expecting multiple births.
Ready or Not…Here We Come! By Elizabeth Lyons -- The subtitle of this book is 'The REAL Experts' Cannot-Live-Without Guide to the First Year with Twins' and it's billed as sort of a "girlfriend's guide" to the first year with twins.
Program Your Baby’s Health: The Pregnancy Diet for Your Child’s Lifelong Well-Being By Dr. Barbara Luke and Tamara Eberlin -- Dr. Luke uses the concept of metabolic programming in this guide to establishing a lifetime of well-being for your baby (or babies) that begins during your pregnancy.
Multiple Pregnancy Sourcebook By Nancy Bowers -- Written by the founder of the Marvelous Multiples prenatal classes for expectant parents of multiples.
Having Twins and More By Elizabeth Noble -- A recently-revised (Summer 2003) handbook for expectant moms of twins-and-higher by one of the foremost experts on the subject, Dr. Elizabeth Noble.
Mothering Multiples: Breastfeeding & Caring for Twins or More By Karen Kerkhoff Gromada -- Updated (1999) version of the La Leche League oversized best seller (380 pages) specifically written for the mom looking to breast-feed her twins, triplets or higher order multiples.
Raising Multiple Birth Children By William and Sheila Laut and Kristin Benit, RN, MSN, ND, CPNP -- A fun and valuable reference material for parents of multiples during those especially difficult early years (birth to age 3).
Double Duty: The Parents’ Guide to Raising Twins from Pregnancy Through the School Years By Christina B. Tinglov -- The author interviewed 20 sets of parents of twins while preparing for the birth of her fraternal sons, Joseph and Michael, and collected that advice into this helpful guide. Focuses primarily on preparing for the first year of newborn twins.
Twins!: Advice From Two Practicing Physicians on Pregnancy, Birth, and the First Year of Life With Twins By Dr. Connie L. Agnew and Alan H. Klein -- Book bills itself as an "authoritative reference that adequately focuses on the unique concerns of the parents (expecting twins)."
From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfolds By Alexander Tsiaris and Barry Werth -- Astonishing new book which captures images inside the womb like no others ever seen. As seen in the November 11, 2002 Time Magazine, these stunning photographs will give the expecting parents (whether it be of one, two or more children) a better glimpse at their unborn children than they've ever been able to view before. A wonderful holiday gift for the expecting parents.
Mothering Twins: From Hearing the News to Beyond the Terrible Twos B y Linda Albi -- Several mothers of twins offer information and advice focusing primarily on potential problems in raising twins.
Twins: From Fetus to Child By Alessandra Piontelli -- Scientifically based, but warmly human in content as well, this study follows the development and behavior of 30 pairs of twins from their early life in the womb through to their third birthday
The Joy of Twins and Other Multiple Births: Having, Raising, and Loving Babies Who Arrive in Groups By Pamela Patrick Novotny
Triple Fun: From Infertility to Triplets By Lia Shakleford
What Every Mom Needs By Elisa Morgan & Carol Kuykendall -- Written by a pair of MOPS (mothers of pre-schoolers), this book received a hearty thumbs-up from moms of twins, lisadgogo, on our Twinstuff message boards, who felt "it reinforced a lot of good things I was already doing as a mom."
Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies B y Dana Wechsler Linden -- Although not written specifically for parents of multiples, this comprehensive resource offers more than 500 pages of information that any mom who will be delivering premature twins-or-higher should find valuable. This book has been highly recommended by many Twinstuff.Com visitors who delivered premature twins.