College scholarships and discounts for multiples
Are you or your twin(s) ready to make the big decision of where to attend college? Well, the MATR has compiled a few schools that might offer you a discount for being a twin or multiple!
Keep in mind, this information is provided as a courtesy to our participants - it is not a complete list of schools offering discounts to multiples nor does that MATR recommend any of the schools over another. When considering schools, contact the accounting office and ask about discounts. Even if a college or university does not have a specific scholarship fund or award designated for multiples, they may have a sibling discount program. These programs offer a discount when siblings from the same family are enrolled simultaneously. Amounts vary and the discount may be a set dollar amount or percentage of tuition.
Ashland University
Ashland, OH
Offered when two siblings from the same family are full-time undergraduate students. Grant is worth 50% of tuition and will be split equally between the students.
Carl Albert State College
Porteau, OK
Paula Nieto Twin Scholarship - Established by family and friends in memory of Paula Nieto, a twin. Sophomore twins.
George Washington University
Washington, DC
One sibling pays full tuition; the second gets a 50% discount.
Lake Erie College
Painesville, OH
Full tuition is paid by one twin only and the twin who pays alternates each year.
Morris Brown College
Atlanta, GA
Provides relief for parents with twins enrolled full-time by waiving full tuition for one of the twins.
Quinnipiac University
Hamden, CT
Multiple Sibling Award: Full-time, undergraduate siblings concurrently in attendance, are eligible to receive an additional $2,000 award, per year.
Randolph-Macon Women's College (Randolph College)
Lynchburg, VA
Twin sisters who enroll as full-time degree candidates eligible to receive a grant equal to 15% of the annual tuition - 7 per year.
Randolph-Macon College
Ashland, VA
New recipients may receive up to $8,000 per year as long as two or more siblings are enrolled full-time.
Sterling College
Sterling, KS
Each twin (or multiple birth) student receives a 50% tuition scholarship. Both twins (or multiple birth) must be enrolled full time and meet requirements of 2.2 GPA and a score of 18 or above on the ACT.
West Chester University of PA
West Chester, PA
Bonnie Evans Feinberg Scholarship: To first year student from a middle-class, multiple-sibling family who is a solid "B" or better student. Renewable with maintenance of a 3.0 GPA.
Wilson College
Chambersburg, PA
Annual twins/triplets/scholarship pays 45% of each multiple tuition.