MATR newsletters
Issues of MATR's newsletter, "Twin Matters," can be downloaded using Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don't have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download it free by going to Adobe's website. Click on the link below to view a particular volume.
If you would prefer a written version, please contact us.
Volume XLV, Spring 2024
- Study updates: Study underway - Substance Use Resistance (SUR) twin study
- Announcements: Dr. Elizabeth Prom-Wormley is the MATR’s new scientific director, new study: Twin spectrum study, happy retirement to Judy L. Silberg - MATR scientific director, we need your email address
- Twin stories: On the cover...MATR twins then and now
Volume XLIV, Fall/Winter 22-23
- Study updates: TWIN360
- Announcements: Principal investigator spotlight: Dr. Kenneth Kendler, new study: Twin voice study, on the horizon - new twin studies starting soon
- Twin stories: Call for "then and now" photo submissions
Volume XLIII, Spring 2022
- Study updates: TWIN360: MATR twins shed light on the pandemic
- Announcements: Remembering the honorable reverend Lindon John Eaves, Ph.D., we need your email address
- Twin stories: Twin photos and stories from around the MATR
Volume XLII, Fall 2021
- Study updates: Twins and microbiome studies: Twins provide insight into what might drive the development of psoriatic diseases (PATS), female microbiome findings, what twin studies suggest about e-cigarette use and smoking (AYATS)
- Announcements: New research project underway - TWIN360
Volume XLI, Spring 2021
- Study updates: Results of the MATR COVID-19 pandemic survey for twins and multiples
- Announcements: Are you interested? Adult studies: COVID-19, stuttering, cancer, multiple sclerosis, essential tremor. Adult and juvenile studies: birth control pill, multi-generational twin study, autism spectrum.
- Twin stories: First class of female eagle scouts, proud mom, a big thank you
Volume XL, Fall 2020
- Study updates: Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Twin study (PATS Update), TBC study update, VCU ABCD site update, ABCD study date in action
- Announcements: PATS raffle announcement, Summer 2020 call for photos
- Twin stories: Twin schooling conundrum: Together or apart?
Volume XXXIX, Spring 2020
- Study updates: The ABCD study continues, Twin Breast Cancer (TBC) study update
- Announcements: Just for fun: The twinning experience survey results, know twins?, we need your email address, the MATR appreciates you!
- Twin stories: Twin shenanigans, one big boy ... or ... not?, can dogs tell twins apart?
Volume XXXVIII, Fall 2019
- Study updates: ABCD study update, Twin Breast Cancer (TBC) study update
- Announcements: Twinning experience survey-just for fun!, show and tell, watch this space, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis raffle drawing... coming soon, twin loss and grief
Volume XXXVII, Spring 2019
- Study updates: Adolescent Behavior Cognitive Development (ABCD) study update
- Announcements: New study opportunities: Role of the microbiome in monozygotic twins with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, Twin Breast Cancer study
- Twin stories: Why don't you go change your shirt?, surprise... it's twins!, a recent quaternary marriage, have you ever heard of semi-identical twins?
Volume XXXVI, Fall 2018
- Study updates: Summary of published results from the Genetics and Epigenetics of Healthy Aging in twins (GHA) Study, Text 4 Thoughts (T4T) study update, Adolescent Behavior Cognitive Development (ABCD) study update
- Announcements: Introducing Dr. Mack…, upcoming and potential research topics (new study opportunity for adult twin pairs and Twin Breast Cancer study), seeing double: take another spin with your twin at the Southern Women’s Show 2019, we appreciate you!
Volume XXXV, Spring 2018
- Study updates: Adolescent Behavior Cognitive Development study (ABCD), Text-4-Thoughts study (T4T), AYATS
- Announcements: Potential new studies on the Horizon!, we appreciate you!, no multiples day this year twin talk-stories from the MATR community: Twin bonds, nostalgia of a twin childhood, twins today, tomorrow, and yesteryear…
Volume XXXIV, Fall 2017
- Study updates: Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD), Text 4 Thoughts (T4T), building a puzzle… your participation=results: Virginia Twin Study of Adolescent Behavioral Development (VTSABD) and Young Adult Follow Up (YAFU), Virginia Adult Twin Study of Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders (VATSPUD), Adolescent and Young Adult Twin Study (AYATS), Juvenile Anxiety Study (JAS), The Genetic Epidemiology of Seizures: A Twin Study
- Announcements: How well do you know your twin on VCU’s website
Volume XXXIII, Spring 2017
- Study updates: Adolescent and Young Adult Twin Study (AYATS), Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study, Text 4 Thoughts (T4T) study
- Announcements: Twin research goes cosmic, groundbreaking brain and cognitive development research opportunity, why the focus on juvenile and young adult twins, Multiples Family Day 2017, enter our drawing
Volume XXXII, Fall 2016
- Study updates: Adolescent and Young Adult Twin Study (AYATS)
- Announcements: The MATR says ‘Thank you’, calling families of recent juvenile study participants!, new study opportunities for ABCD and Text 4 Thoughts (T4T), how do we choose our twin studies?
- Twin stories: One twin’s story of loss and aspiration
Volume XXXI, Spring 2016
- Study updates: Mood and Immune Regulation in Twins (MIRT), Adolescent and Young Adult Twin Study (AYATS), Juvenile Anxiety Study (JAS)
- Announcements: A token of our appreciation…, message from the AYATS principal investigator, how we collect information online, how we work, Multiples Family Day
- Twin stories: Astronaut (and twin), Scott Kelly returns to Earth!, MATR Twins in BBC documentary “How to Stay Young”
Volume XXX, Fall 2015
- Study updates: Juvenile Anxiety Study (JAS) and Adolescent and Young Adult Twin Study (AYATS), study results: MATR twins help researchers find…, Mood and Immune Regulation in Twins (MIRT), EMBODY study
- Announcements: Southern Women’s Show ticket winners, save the dates!, MATR recruitment finalized: Genetics and Epigenetics of Healthy Aging (GHA)