Websites about twinsFraternal twin siblings preteens orange background

The following is a list of web sites designed to educate, support, or just be fun for twins or anyone interested in twins. Please feel free to contact us with your suggestions about additional web sites to add to this list.

Research, education, and counseling

Virginia Commonwealth University's Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation

Find more about the division that houses the Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry along with VCU's Institutional Review Board and TechTransfer and Ventures.


Virginia Institute for Psychiatric and Behavioral Genetics:

Was established to facilitate the development of a multidisciplinary, integrated research program in the Genetic Epidemiology of Psychiatric Illness and Human Behavior and Development in the Departments of Psychiatry and Human Genetics at the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Health Center and Medical School. Often works in unison with the Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry to perform research studies.


Center for the Study of Multiple Births:

Twins Foundation:

Twin Resource Center

The Twin Resource Center is an education and counseling service directed by a licensed clinical social worker who is a twin and the daughter of a twin. Educational workshops are available for professionals who are now encountering twins at increasingly high numbers. This specialized training will give health care workers, counselors, teachers and others added expertise to more fully address twins' needs in their professional setting. Direct counseling services are also available for twins and their loved ones who might be struggling with any twin related matter from expecting parents’ concerns, to twins in conflict, to dealing with end of life issues.

Phone Number: 336.420.3277


Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation:

For families and caregivers before, during, and after pregnancies diagnosed with twin to twin transfusion syndrome.



Center for Loss in Multiple Birth (CLIMB, Inc.)

Founded in 1987, CLIMB deals with parents who have experienced the death of a multiple or multiples during pregnancy, birth, infancy, or childhood. It publishes the quarterly “Our Newsletter” and has an active parent contact network. Various articles and assistance are available to parents of twins clubs, professionals and parent support groups.

Box 91377
Anchorage, AK 99509
Phone: 907.222.5321


Twinless Twins Support Group

Serving in support of twins (all multiple births) who suffer from the loss of companionship of their twin through death or estrangement. Twinless Twins Support Group International is an organization offering support to an estimated 2000 twinless twins. Members gather annually. Can reach members by geographical location. See website for more details.

Phone number: 1.888.205.8962

Parenting/support Groups

Mid-Atlantic Parents of Multiples

Richmond (VA) area Mothers of Multiples

Eastern Prince William (VA) Mother’s of Multiples

Tidewater (VA) Mothers of Multiples

North Carolina Mothers of Multiples

South Carolina Mothers of Multiples

Columbia Area Mothers of Multiples (CAMOM)

Twin Pregnancy and Beyond is a site targeted to parents, who have or are expecting twins. Through the site, they are introduced to free information about pregnancy, labor, parenting, twin research and other related subjects.

National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc.

Official site of the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC), a nation-wide support group for parents of twins and higher order multiple birth children. Network of more than 475 local clubs representing over 23,000 individual parents of multiples. A great place to meet and talk to moms of multiples. They also have great links to "Multiple" sites.


Fun and freebies

Twin Stuff:

Top picks for parents of multiples:

Freebies and other offers-- for twins and more!

The following is a listing of companies that offer coupons, discounts or free offers to either new parents, new parents of multiples (sometimes triplets+) and parents of multiples. Remember, if you are parents of "super-twins", most companies that offer free products for twins will send three for triplets, etc., be sure to ask! In compiling this list, it was not always clear as to whether a given company also had offers for singletons. It never hurts to ask. Each company has different requirements, be sure to check if they need a copy of birth certificates, etc.

Twins Magazine:
Twins World:
Twins Talent: